- Lockheed Martin hit by cyber attack - Americas, World - The Independent - http://goo.gl/jv5ty
- Hackers hit PBS, post fake Tupac story - http://goo.gl/bj3o9
- Toronto's shame: Probe the G20 travesty - Toronto Star -http://goo.gl/Wzwo4
- Fun Reading: Greatest Comic Book Lawyers - http://goo.gl/KdcyW
- Egyptian Court Fines Mubarak, Ex-Officials $90 Million for Telecom Shutdown (Voice of America) - http://goo.gl/Od2fy
- At I.M.F., a Strict Ethics Code Doesn’t Apply to Top Officials -http://goo.gl/IE3Iq
- Caregiver sues former employer, claiming $162000 in lost wages - Toronto Star - http://is.gd/5W3QMd
- Sen. Wyden places hold on second Internet censorship law -http://is.gd/wRBtU6
- Congressman Says Hacker Sent Lewd Photo Using His Name -http://is.gd/qccyDX
- DiManno: Supreme Court's consent ruling infantilizes women - Toronto Star - http://is.gd/5uCyDr
- Hockey Canada moves to ban hits to the head - http://is.gd/JDrgL0
- College student at center of Rep. Anthony Weiner Twitter photo scandal issues statement - http://is.gd/pY7M0K
- Can an Attorney Under an Enduring Power of Attorney Make Gifts? -http://goo.gl/toccZ
- Facebook bragging leads to man's poaching arrest - MiamiHerald.com - http://goo.gl/teEai
- Coroner in Ashley Smith inquest faces barrage of criticism - Toronto Star - http://goo.gl/ECoHV
- Report on Jobs for New Law School Grads - http://goo.gl/PrGz0
- Lawyer: Mladic knows he will be extradited to the Hague -http://goo.gl/MS8ug
- Animal Cruelty Video Once Banned on YouTube Leads to Criminal Charges - http://goo.gl/Qg2hr
- RIM faces lawsuit over claims it misled investors -http://goo.gl/gJWXa
- Former Lawyers for Courtney Love Claim She Libeled Them in a Tweet - http://goo.gl/BScmC
- Lawsuit alleges TV character wrongfully killed off -http://goo.gl/gg4Zn
- Crimes of (Unconscious) Passion - http://goo.gl/aZuDz
- California drafts proposal requiring condoms in porn -http://goo.gl/WPfgR
- Should doctors be playing lawyer? - Toronto Star -http://is.gd/rQqvno
- Judge strikes down ban on corporate campaign donations -http://goo.gl/0XRo3
- Case unlikely against man who flipped off trooper -http://goo.gl/sLSap
- Judge Says Woman Can't Sue Over Match.com Safety -http://goo.gl/Kp5Rd
- Anatomy of a G20 investigation - http://goo.gl/JHDgN
- Top court interpretation of 'consent' really about sexual autonomy - Vancouver Sun - http://goo.gl/zlvuD
Thank you for stopping by, have a fantastic Monday!
- Rachel Spence, Toronto
Visit our Toronto Law Firm website: www.wiselaw.net