- Rupert Murdoch apologizes - http://goo.gl/xa2yY; British Police Arrest Rebekah Brooks in Phone Hacking (New York Times) - http://goo.gl/Ja05c; Scotland Yard Chief Resigns - http://goo.gl/YzGVG
- Canada Privacy Commissioner releases final report on online tracking, profiling and targeting of consumers - http://goo.gl/Fs69m
- Divorces to be easier in Ontario - Toronto Sun - http://goo.gl/v8sqn
- CP corrects erroneous report that Ontario to immediately implement mandatory mediation before divorce; only mandatory information sessions required http://goo.gl/6MwP2
- Ottawa man will sue again if he's not served in French - CTV.ca -http://goo.gl/Qifjk
- Judge expected in NY for NFL labour talks - http://goo.gl/PHN7a
- Ont. coroner examines spate of First Nation youth suicides - http://goo.gl/SrfkR
- Federal judge dismisses BP oil spill fraud lawsuit - http://goo.gl/YPvG8
- Berlusconi faces trial hearings for bribery and sex crimes - http://goo.gl/Bqfgi
- British Police Arrest Rebekah Brooks in Phone Hacking (New York Times) - http://goo.gl/Ja05c
- Roger Clemens: Transcript Shows Government Intentionally Played Prohibited Clip - http://goo.gl/RdqFh
- Bonds, Clemens cases 'huge waste,' BALCO's Conte says - http://goo.gl/On71m
- Toplessness in the courts - Toronto Sun - http://goo.gl/k0vjK
- US Court rejects harsh federal sentencing guideline for Ecstasy - http://goo.gl/f46zV
- Rupert Murdoch went too far (Larry Flynt/Washington Post) - http://goo.gl/YIyh7
- Body Scanners Improperly Added by TSA: Court. Permission to continue using them granted nonetheless (Bloomberg) - http://goo.gl/YXvld
- Federal appeals court rejects challenge to TSA body scans - http://goo.gl/sxFG4
- Court grants Obama Justice Dep't request: 'don't ask, don't tell' will stay in place - http://goo.gl/jHmfw
- Catholic Church to pay $1.75 million to father over son’s abuse - http://goo.gl/qoMRt
- New report backs up September iPhone 5 release date | Technology News Blog - Yahoo! News - http://goo.gl/tQMCt
- Texas attorneys bench-slapped for poorly written brief - http://goo.gl/rS8jj
- Ladies’ Night Still Legal Under Nevada Anti-Discrimination Law - http://goo.gl/cYDoP
- Tweeting for Lawyers 101 - http://goo.gl/omF0D
- Most BigLaw Firms Have Twitter Accounts, But Few Tweet Very Often - http://goo.gl/EDbQz
- Differing Views of Lawyers on Twitter: Savvy Marketing Tool or ‘Nonsense’? - http://goo.gl/k7pSv
- Alabama Lawyer Group Files Suit to Ban LegalZoom - http://goo.gl/PW5EA
- Judge removes self from Casey Anthony civil suit - http://goo.gl/XqGCs; Casey Anthony freed in Florida - http://goo.gl/TYcKg
- Divorce Costs College Money - http://goo.gl/ob9S4
- California Supremes Uphold Plastic Bag Ban in Manhattan Beach - http://goo.gl/50xhj
- Australian sentenced over Facebook mouse beheading - AFP - http://goo.gl/yfsaH
That's all for now. Follow us on Twitter for legal headlines as they happen. Have a great day.
- Garry J. Wise, Toronto
Visit our Toronto Law Firm website: www.wiselaw.net