Here are the leading legal headlines from Wise Law on Twitter for Friday, July 06, 2012:
- Next Toronto Blawger Meetup - Wednesday July 25 - 7:00 p.m. at the Keg, York Street
- Distracted driving: OK to briefly hold cellphone, judge rules in Toronto case
- William Lynch Found Not Guilty in Beating of Priest He Said Sexually Abused Him - Yahoo! News
- The Banking Scandals: LIBOR for Laymen—What is it and why should you care?
- Atheist files complaint over Penn. restaurant’s church-goer discount
- Obama campaign disagrees with US Supreme Court on 'tax'
- Massachusetts.Joins Other States in Ruling that Cloud Computing is Ethical for Lawyers
- UN Human Rights Council backs Internet freedom
- Civil servants share $6B 'severance' without losing jobs
- Barratry: Remember the Word?
- Ont. Sup. Ct enforces termination settlement without release on the basis of emails and parties' conduct
- Lance Armstrong’s Ex-Teammates Said to Be Ready to Testify Against Him
- Restaurant groups file suit against California foie gras ban
- Tim Hortons to offer free wireless.Now all they need to do is start serving Starbucks coffee, and I might go there...
- Bond Set at $1 Million for Zimmerman
- Rachel Spence, Law Clerk
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